Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rhynes Before Mayor/City Council on name change of Barber Park

February 2, 2005

Barber Park, Valdosta NAACP, Mayor, Council and Citizens!
Posted by George Rhynes on 2/8/2005 21:24:45

Valdosta City Mayor and Council (Respectively, February 8, 2005)
216 East Central Ave
Valdosta Georgia 31601

Honorable Mayor and Council

[1 ] As President of the Valdosta Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, Executive Committee, and Members, after collectively reviewing the Historical Archives surrounding Barber Park and the man for whom it is named, we concluded that “Barber Park” should be renamed to honor “Russell Woods.” This will annex the Park to the 21st Century--of inclusion, fairness, and healing.

[2 ] Some of you may have asked the legitimate question. Why make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill? For over 435 Years---Blacks suffered, bled and died just to get a drink of water from a public water fountain. Etc. Just last year an 1860 Valdosta City Charter was removed from these walls. I will quote from that historical document in a minute. In order to give a quick glance why “PEOPLE of CONSCIOUS” cannot STOP fighting to remove names, signs and symbols, that says to Black Children and their parents subliminally, and overtly, that they are inferior and not entitled to be respected as equals.

[3 ] In Section XI, of that 1860 Valdosta City Charter read and I quote: “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the CONTROL of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS of COLOR in Valdosta---and to suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in Valdosta or from other causes.”

[4 ] Honorable Mayor and Council--you removed that outdated charter, it was not a Black or White thing. It was the right thing to do. If Valdosta no longer condones the practices of the past, then renaming Barber Park in Honor of Russell Woods----should be an easy task.

[5 ] Why are we concerned? Because when six (6) Million Jews were killed under Hitler’s Regime, and when Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps, and the Native Americans were driven from their land, many of their descendents were compensated and monuments were erected in their honor. But the descendents of slaves, victims of segregation, discrimination, and mistreatment were never compensated, but were denied to enter “Barber’s Park.”

[6 ] The founding fathers of this Republic, The Constitution, and God himself---Said that all men were created equal. Therefore, Every Child deserves positive images in their communities that will create self-worth, pride, dignity, and self respect. There are NO streets, or parks in affluent Local---White, Gated communities with the name of Emit Till, Megar Evers, Jack Johnson, Nat Turner, Elijah Muhammad, Jesse Jackson, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, or Stokely Carmichael etc.

[7 ] If Mr. Barber’s theology is no longer applicable and acceptable in Valdosta. Then we should gladly rename the park. Not out of hate---but to educate the people, that everything in the universe---is in MOTION and moving towards change.

[8 ] When a doctor, lawyer, elected official, pastor or soldier, no longer practices their profession, they take their signs down. Honorable Mayor and Council, if Valdosta no longer practices the principles of the past, then she too should take HER signs down. The time has come for us collectively---to love and treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated. God demands nothing less from us. America is a great nation and the Local Branch of the NAACP---just want to keep it that way. Peace!

Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)

ALSO SEE: Councilman Sonney Vickers:

Cc: Info: State Office of the NAACP
Peoples Tribunal
Local Media Outlets
Local Valdosta Community Leaders


5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2003



Mayor Rainwater called the regular meeting of the Valdosta City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present were: Willie Head, Jr., Dexter Sharper, J. R. Sessions, David Sumner, Joseph Vickers, Richard Stewart. Councilman Robert Yost was absent. The invocation was given by Pastor George Bennett of First Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.


Floyd Rose, President of People’s Tribunal, 4001 Foxborough Boulevard, informed the Council that he had pictures of two markers approximately 10’ apart at West Hill Avenue and Patterson Street. The first marker states: “This corner, Wall Street and West Hill Avenue, was the site of the largest in-land Sea Island and cotton market in the world in 1910. Because of this cotton market, Valdosta was named the center of cotton production in south Georgia and was also rated the richest city per capita in the United States. The railroads were the life line that connected Valdosta to its market and led to the economic growth of the town.” The second marker that states: “Troop Encampment Site, Company G, 103rd Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry camped on this corner January through February, 1866.” Mr. Rose stated that one of the markers was very neatly prepared and was installed by the Valdosta Town Committee in 1993, however, there was no date on the other marker and no indication of who was responsible for putting it up.

Mr. Rose Continues:  WOULD like to obtain information about who was responsible for putting up the markers so that they can be contacted about having them redone. Mr. Rose noted that the County Commissioners recently placed a marker at the Lowndes County Courthouse which was very nice and a tribute to those it commemorates. Councilman Head stated that he was approached several months ago about the markers and he had tried to find out who served on the Valdosta Town Committee but was unable to do so. He was also unable to determine who placed the other market at that site. Councilman Head spoke with the President of the Heritage Foundation regarding the markers. The Heritage Foundation has been trying to standardize the markers to make them similar to the one located at the corner of Patterson Street and Brookwood near Drexel Park which was approved by the State for historical sites across the Georgia. While discussions continue with the Heritage Foundation, Councilman Head also spoke with the President of the Bank of America regarding funding support for <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->the cotton exchange and the troop encampment markers in order to make them identical to the type at Drexel Park. Larry Hanson, City Manager, stated that he worked with the Valdosta Town Committee in 1993 and there were approximately 18-19 sites that were identified for placement of markers. The City approved the signs that were erected. The other signs may be part of a separate program by the Heritage Foundation. Mr. Hanson will contact the Heritage Foundation about the markers.

George Boston Rhymes, XXXX, Oak Drive, informed the Council that he owns the business, New Man Music, which is located at 605 ½ East Hill Avenue. Mr. Rhymes expressed his concerns about panhandlers and public drinking of alcohol in that area. The police were called years ago, but the situation is getting worse. Mr. Rhymes asked the City for help in getting this area cleaned up. Mayor Rainwater stated that the Valdosta Police Chief would be notified of the situation.

Kathleen Williams, 418 Mildred Street, informed the Council that she was representing the Cypress-Forrest Community of Concerned Citizens. Ms. Williams stated that there has been no progress in resolving the problems with Reames & Son Construction. The noise has been terrible, and the dust is not being watered down. Mayor Rainwater stated that the City has been looking into the long range plan and even the possibility of purchasing some of those houses but could not promise a quick turn around. Larry Hanson, City Manager, inquired as to whether the problem has gotten any better since the last time Ms. Williams spoke to the Council. Ms. Williams stated that it has gotten worse and she has been in contact with Councilman Sharper about the situation. Councilman Sharper stated that he has information which may provide some immediate relief and will share with the Council.

James Wright, 747 East Brookwood Place, informed the Council that he became familiar with the signs mentioned by Rev. Rose during his research into family history. Mr. Wright’s family has lived in this area since 1860. The 103rd U. S. Colored Infantry was in this area to help free men register to vote and to provide them with food and shelter. His great-great grandfather was registered to vote 1890 and this was a direct result of the 103rd U. S. Colored Infantry being in the area. Mr. Wright is very much interested in the condition of the markers.

In addition, Mr. Wright informed the Council that he spoke with Mr. Randall Lane regarding water runoff in his neighborhood. There is an apartment complex adjacent to his home and there is not adequate parking. The tenants park on the grass which creates mud puddles. Mr. Wright called the City to find out what could be done to correct the problem. Mr. Lane viewed the area and told Mr. Wright that the drainage system was not adequate. Mr. Wright stated he has had his driveway paved to stop the water from running into the driveway. However, the water now collects in front of his driveway and is causing the concrete to crack. There is another neighbor that has water running into her house during heavy rainfall. Mr. Wright would appreciate any assistance the City can provide in resolving the drainage problem.

15 Arrested Ruled Unconstitutioinal by Georgia Supreme Courts

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Valdosta 15, arrest ruled unconstitutional

Georgia Supreme Court rules 'Disrupting Public Meeting' statue unconstitutional
The President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, George Boston Rhynes (Left), and Peoples Tribunal President Floyd E. Rose (Right), were (BOTH) arrested and held in the Lowndes County Jail for twenty-four hours along with thirteen other concerned citizens on 5 May 2005. By the Valdosta City Mayor and Council for allegedly disrupting a public meeting.

These are facts the Local News Media WHITEOUT machine failed to report to the CITIZENS of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. Jesus said in his writings that "YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET/MAKE YOU FREE." One can only imagine why the Local Media WHITEOUT Machine did not report the following facts:

Which have become the peak of the pyramid of this arrest as was revealed on May 5th, 2005. When Mayor John Fretti said something to the effects that “Somebody might want to talk about their stray dog, or cat.” (His statement was apparently left out of the City Council Minutes).

However, his words took many of us back to the Valdosta 1860 City Charter Article 100, Section XI, which was displayed for over 20 years in city hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Court Room that read:. “THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES.”The Mayor words seem to reveal the truth of the needle behind the haystack.

Moreover, it seem that our local Media WHITEOUT machine failed to report the comments from Ms. Leigh Touchton speaking in favor of renaming Barber Park. She is a National SHERO, for being the 1st White Woman to be elected President of an NAACP Branch in this Country. However, her comments were a total WHITEOUT. Local media failed to mention that TWO of the seven Women arrested were white. COPY AND PASTE:

That Dr. Ari Santas a white professor from Valdosta State University who spoke eloquently concerning the name change. He, was also instrumental in assembling a two hour documentary video years ago entitled “A Chorus of Fear,” outlining the truth behind the Good Boy System in Lowndes County. Dr. Santas wife Pat who spoke before the Council with her son were also omitted from the article on renaming the park.

They ignored, JESSE CLARK, a Retired Lowndes County Educator, Chairman of the Local NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and Vice President of the local NAACP who spoke of the benefits of renaming Barber Park after Ossie Davis.

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They ignored Willie Head, Vice President of the Peoples Tribunal comments on renaming the park. Mr. Head has traveled to four foreign countries including Cuba on behalf of Black Farmers. He sat in the White House with former President Bill Clinton on behalf of Black Farmers.

They ignored Queen Ann Robinson a nationally recognized Poet who said, “God is just, so you must be just. Justice is the foundation of civilization and if justice does not exist, civilization crumbles. If justice is not rendered, you will be removed.”

They failed to report that the 3-2 vote by the Council not to consider a committee to rename Barber Park was divided down Racial Lines. After acknowledging their mistake about the land being donated for Barber Park on 24 April 2005, they continued to publish Rants that the park was
donated and that there was a contractual agreement.

Even a local former Firefighter and Deacon Tony Daniel’s from one of the most prestigious Black Churches in Lowndes County also spoke during this meeting but was ignored.

How could all this be in the 21st Century of the Cosby Kids, and the Pepsi Generation. Especially since Valdosta is now a Metropolitan City. We probably could understand these omissions if Valdosta was in Iraq or in some other third world country. But we are now a Metropolitan City and there is no need for all these “WHITEOUTS” by the South Georgia News Media Network.

It is also strange that NO Television Network (WCTV, WALB, etc) was present at either of these meetings of community importance. However, Scott James a White local Conservative Talks Show Host did address some of the concerns from the City Council Meeting on his Talk Show.

The South Georgia Media Machine even ignored the arrest of the President of the local NAACP Branch. It must be noted that the NAACP is the oldest Civil Rights Organization in the Nation. Therefore, we must ask why so many important omissions are being allowed in this South Georgia Area, and for what purpose?

Lets take a second look at the 1860 Valdosta City Charter: of 1860 which states. “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES.” Is this also the purpose of the (SGMN), to keep people ignorant and unable to make intelligent decisions based on truth in order to maintain the Status Quo.

The Valdosta Daily Times omitted that two Police Vans were parked outside City Hall before the meeting began on 5 May 2005, and that extra Law Enforcement were also on the scene, and they were as ready as Fretti to abide by Article 100, Section XI, of an 1860 City Charter to “Control, Suppress, and Abate all Nuisances arriving from slaves, and free persons of color, Hogs, Dogs, Horses, or other stock straying at large in Valdosta Georgia.

Its somewhat strange that our Mayor referred to stray animals in the May 5th meeting when fifteen American citizens were arrested.

Moreover, the media failed to mention that Rev. Floyd Rose was placed in Cell MP 103, for hard core criminals away from those arrested with him. Inmates said “MP-103, was no place for a sixty-six year old man and that white folks were making an example out of you guys.”

It has been reported that Representative Tyrone Brooks a
Civil Rights Activist has been arrested nearly sixty-five times.

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However, he was never placed in solitary confinement as Minister Floyd Rose in the Lowndes County Jail on 5 May 2005.

The seven other men were placed in Cell 13B. While the seven ladies two of which were White were all placed in Cell 5, 6, and 7. But the (SGMN), failed to interview them concerning their stay in the county jail. These type omissions seem to be routine practice in this South Georgia Area.

Our only daily newspaper “The Valdosta Daily Times,” on their Worship Directory Page on Saturdays only lists religious symbols of the Christians, and Jews.

They exclude the religious symbol of the Muslims without question. Moreover, the Atlanta Journal, Augusta Chronicle, and Macon Observer used words like unruly minister and fourteen others were arrested.

We must question who provided them with their information. Local media seem to be consistent with the Valdosta City Charter mentality of 1860. This may be why they have NEVER questioned the legality or possibility that the At-Large Voting System in Valdosta is an attempt to keep Blacks from ever becoming the majority on the Valdosta City Council. This would be in keeping with the 1860 Valdosta City Charter to Suppress and Control People of Color. Yet, they have practically ignored that twelve American Citizens have died in our surrounding the Lowndes County Jail and no elected officials have demanded an investigation of these many deaths for whatever reason.

When heritage is spoken of in South Georgia. It never addresses the week of terror in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918 when eleven Blacks were lynched, soaked in gasoline, and motor oil, burned to a crisp, castrated, and their homes burned to the ground. For whatever reason, Sidney Johnson was castrated, his body parts were removed, thrown across the street, tied behind an automobile and dragged down South Patterson Street in broad day light in Valdosta Georgia while citizens looked on in glee, (Ref. The Crises in July, 1918). In addition, an eight-month old Black Fetus was cut from its mothers abdomen (Mary Turner), and its head crushed by the heel of a certain White man boot. This history is also omitted from the South Georgia Media Network but has been documented and a book is now being written with the potential of becoming a movie about this South Georgia Area by a White lady in Florida.

A few months ago a Representative from the 144th Congressional District Ellis Black sponsored a bill to rename Negro Branch west of Quitman---to Pride Branch. This was the result of informed students attending Brooks County School system requesting the change from a segregated and shameful past. This is a great gesture by Congressman Black. However, the branch has never been called “Negro Branch.” I am from Brooks County and it has always been known until this very day as “NIGGER BRANCH.” No one in Brooks County knows of a “NEGRO” Branch. This proves that few Whites want to address the real issues of the day concerning heritage.

It should also be noted that the fifteen freedom fighters names that were arrested by the orders of the Mayor and Council never appeared in local newspapers or on television.

They were only published in the Crime Report of the Valdosta Daily Times on 6 May 2005. When in truth, they should have been recognized as the great followers of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Mr. Mayor and Council this is NOT just about Barber Park or Minister Rose as many have tried to make citizens believe. It is about leaving 1860-1965 and coming into the 21st Century of inclusion, love, justice, and truth. You all must understand that a squeaking wheel can only be stopped by applying grease to the problem.

Mr. Mayor and Council! Do you not understand? That the conditions of the times brought into existence a Mosses, David, Queen Ester, Ezekiel, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Joseph Lowery, Tyrone Brooks, Nat Turner, Elijah Mohammed, John Brown, Malcolm X., Jesse L. Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others. In the same manner that the
sick conditions here in Valdosta, and Lowndes County demanded that Minister Floyd E. Rose

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and the fourteen others arrested be brought into existence. And there will be more to follow because the conditions of the times in Lowndes County demands that they come. Our God will always send agitators and liberators to meet the needs of his people as recorded in our historical past.

Now! Mr. Mayor and Council, your actions have put the “Eyes of the Nation” on Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia. That was something we could never have done without God working through you---on our behalf.

Therefore, I thank you for allowing God to use you in our quest for justice, equality and liberation. Be it known! That “We the People” will not bury our head in the sand like the Legend concerning the ostrich and pretend that we are in heaven. Nor will we stay on our knees and refuse to stand up on our feet for what we know is right.

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Renaming Barber Park is right, examining the At Large Voting System in Valdosta is right, respecting jailed inmates Constitutional Rights is right, eliminating the after burner of an 1860 charter is right, and its just right to be right. Therefore, Barber Park’s name will be changed. There are signs and symbols all around this town paying tribute to Whites. Even though many of these signs and symbols had their beginning in Africa the homeland of ancient and modern man.

Every American must understand that before the Confederate Flag became the Confederate Flag. It was engraved in stone in Africa, and before the Cross of Saint Andrews there was the Cross of Osiris in Africa. Even the Great Seal of the United States of America was engraved in stone in Africa. This has been documented but suppressed, controlled, and kept away from the American People as the local media is attempting to do today.

Moreover, local media ignored Rev Jesse L. Jackson Rainbow PUSH day in the part on renaming Barber Park. By only reporting a blurred picture and 18 words to the people of Lowndes County on a day in the park.

Again, it seem that the 1860 City Charter is still in force.
There are Masonic signs and symbols on buildings in and out of the Courtrooms in Valdosta Georgia. Valdosta State University has the Jewish Star of David practically everywhere. Hate groups have their signs and symbols of pride down town on buildings with streets named in their memory. The only thing missing is their eyes to keep ordinary people ignorant.

Mr. Mayor and Council if you fail to do the right thing others will come to straighten out what you have made crooked. Because Luke 4:18 cannot be ignored without paying a great cost. It is easier to embrace the 21st Century of change, fairness, and inclusion by standing on the side of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY. Because when truth comes FALSEHOOD must vanish, and FALSEHOOD is forever a vanishing thing.

It vanished in Selma, Little Rock, Montgomery, Birmingham, in the heart of Governor George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and other cities across this nation. So today, it is only fitting and proper that Truth, Justice, and Equality come to South Georgia. The days of control suppression and abating is coming to an end. The only question is how costly it will be for those who reject change, fairness and inclusion.

Mr. Mayor, Council and especially Councilman Sessions---don’t ask Blacks to forget their segregated, and painful historical past without first asking the Jews, and Native Americans to forget what happened to them. It has been reported that 6 million Jews were killed under Hitler. Blacks cannot begin their count under 100 Million.

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You can ignore our pain and tell yourself that it is all about renaming Barber Park and Minister Floyd Rose. But this issue is much larger than a Park and is growing everyday---that it is delayed. It is about treating your neighbor, as you yourself would want to be treated.

Today the word is out among many National Civil Rights organizations because of the arrest of fifteen law-abiding citizens. This matter is NOW completely in the hand of the God who delivered Daniel from the Lions Den, the Hebrews Boys from the fiery furnace, and Jonah from the belly of the beast. And He will surely deliver us from what seem to be an 1860 mentality that exists throughout local government. That seem to be in lockstep with the South Georgia Media Network, and the Status Quo that ignores the power of the human spirit housed in both Black and White Right People in Lowndes County.

These are a few of the facts that have become the peak of the pyramid

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and the capstone of this South Georgia Town. But in the end truth will win and the outside world will know. As Paul Harvey would say and now you know the rest of the story.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. It appears that Rev. Joseph Lowery of the SCLC, an activist who marched with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and visited Valdosta concerning the death of Willie James Williams Death was correct. “That Lowndes County would be the Selma, and Montgomery of the 21st Century for Civil and Human Rights because of its refusal to adequately address the ill conditions that have existed for too long in South Georgia.”

He said, “that the Civil Rights Movement by-passed Lowndes County.” It appears that the stage is NOW being set for the fulfillment of this divine prophecy. Lowndes County dilemma goes beyond a Black or White thing. It is a right thing, and though we have lost some battles in the past. Our just war is a certain victory. Because we have cosmic companionship with the God of Righteousness!

President, Valdosta Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)
A concerned Citizen and brother of humanity!

PS The City Council Meeting (19 May 2005), following the arrest of Minister Rose and the fourteen others were conducted as usual. All comments by Blacks were totally ignored by the Local Media WHITEOUT machine. As if, they were not even present at the Valdosta City Council Meeting on 19 May 2005. Again, this seem to be a routine practice in this South Georgia Town (See the 1860 City Charter Article 100, Section XI)

ALTHOUGH, BLACKS SPOKE AS FORECEFULLY AS THEY DID AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS OVER THE LAST FIVE MONTHS. The South Georgia Media “Whiteout Machine” did not publish one word concerning the issues Blacks brought before the council on 19 May 2005, concerning the purpose for which fifteen Citizens were arrested on 5 May 2005.

In addition: A local firefighter also had some concerns on another issue but his presentation was also omitted. This is the insensitivity, and arrogance of our Southern White Male dominated News Media Network system that goes unchecked, unreported, unchallenged, and unchanged apparently from the Old City Charter Days.

Therefore, local citizens in South Georgia have been ill informed for too long with no change in sight. I am convinced that nothing will change in this South Georgia Town without an independent outside investigation or the Federal Government from outside this area coming in and understanding Luke 4:18. Inmates, call Valdosta a “Hell Hole” for blacks. (Extracted from Inmates signed letters and notarized statements dated July 2003). Available upon request because in the end only truth will set us free. Peace!

I gave verbal excerpts from this address to the Mayor and Valdosta City Council on 19 May 2005 during their Monthly meeting. I also, thanked the Mayor and Council for my arrest on 5 May 2005 at 7:04 PM. I got to witness the ill conditions of the Lowndes County Jail 1st hand.

P.S. To The P.S. How could any PUBLISHER and EDITOR, in South Georgia or elsewhere, NOT be interested in disseminating to local citizens the following information published in the Valdosta Post by Al Parson on 3 June 2005.

The following letter are the words of LEIGH TOUCHTON, a “White Lady” who was incarcerated in the Lowndes County Jail with fourteen other freedom fighters. It must be noted that these problems are not new but have existed since 1988.

All local elected officials have failed to represent the people who put them into office, and in my humble opinion local media has contributed to this long standing dilemma in South Georgia. LOWNDES COUNTY DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY, AND I AM CONFIDENT THAT IT WILL BE CHANGED! [G.B.R}

Barber Park Committee Formed-----But not one (1), Person Who went to Jail is on the Committee Whats Up With That?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Georgia has become a serious matter and could reveal whats-up with the needle behind the

Barber Park Issue In Valdosta Georgia 2005, 2006, .....

The renaming of Barber Park in Valdosta, Geor
hay stack of our elected officials.

THEY ARE: Mayor John J. Fretti, Council member James Wright, District 1, Willie T. Head, Jr., District 2, Joseph “Sonny” Vickers, District 3, Aalvin Patyton, Jr., District 4, David J. Summer, District 5, Robert Yost, District 6, and John Eunice, At Large,

All council menbers voted on May 25, 2006, to call a committee to address and resolve the renaming of Barber Park. THIS IS WHAT WAS REQUESTED WHEN FIFTEEN LOCAL CITIZENS WERE ARRESTED ON MAY 5, 2005, AND HELD IN THE LOWNDES COUNTY JAIL FOR OVER 24 HOURS WITHOUT BAIL FOR DISRUPTING A PUBLIC MEETING.

It is obvious that the ISSUE of Barber Park will be around for a long, long, long time in the future. It just prove that Rev. Joseph Lowery words was correct. That Valdosta, and LOwndes County Georgia will be the focal point in the 21st Century for CIVIL RIGHTS because elected officials refusal to voluntarily make the necessary changes.

And WE the concerned citizens of Valdosta, and Lowndes County cannot and willnot accept the recently removed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, mentality. That read: Paragraph 100: Section XI, “the Mayor and Council, they shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the control of slaves and free persons of color in said town and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”

Fifteen law abiding citizens have already been arrested over the Barber Park issue.
hey were held in the Lowndes County Jail for over twentyfour hours without bail for disrupting a public meeting (Valdosta City Council Meeting on May 5, 2005). Lets look at the elected officials we voted into office to represent US!
The Georgia State Court ruled the arrest on May 5, 2005 unconstitutional. Mayor Fretti, and then council members appealed this decision to the Georgia Supreme Court and on April 25, this court ruled the arrest unconstitutional.

May 25, 2006, George Boston Rhynes Presdident of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP) gave a copy of this presentation to the Mayor,and each Valdosta City Council Member on May 25th, 2006. He said: This is why the name MUST and WILL eventually be changed!

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Mr. Mayor, and Council. The Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP is in support of renaming Barber Park to Ossie Davis because:

No self-loving, respected people want images in their community. That reminds them and their children of segregation, lynching, wire fences, covered artesian wells, swimming pools, and signs that read for whites only.

People of conscious from all nationalities, suffered, bled, and died. For America to live up to its creed, “That all men and women are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Mr. Mayor, and Council, there are no public parks, streets, monuments, statures, etc., in white-gated communities in Valdosta or elsewhere honoring Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Jack Johnson, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Minister Louis Farrakhan or John Brown a white abolitionary. Jews would never permit any park, stature, or monument in their community. That reminds their children of the Holocaust.

But on the Court House grounds is a stature that compliments streets in this city. Some say, that it is about heritage. But in our Archives is the history of these street names. Three blocks south of us. Is a seven (7) block-street, named in honor of Rev. Martin L. King Jr., an international Nobel Peace Prize Winner and world I-Con. That says to the carriers of the moral flame. This is how Valdosta shows appreciation, honor, and respect to certain people in this Metropolitan Metropolis.
Little towns like Quitman, Thomasville, and Homerville have thoroughfares, and State Highways named in Dr. Kings Honor.

The Valdosta Daily Times reported on April 6, 2006, that Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s actions with the Capitol Hill Police were an embarrassment to the State of Georgia. I believe this issue surrounding Barber Park will have a devastating impact----on whether or not businesses will want to locate here.

There are monuments, and other historical landmarks named in honor of less honored people than OSSIE DAVIS. Valdosta was practically built by people like OSSIE DAVIS under less than ideal conditions. This alone should arouse your consciousness----to do the right thing. Regardless of individual feelings. History records, that Blacks suffered, bled, and died, just to drink water from a public water fountain, use restrooms on the highway, register to vote, eat in a public restaurant, swim in swimming pools across the nation, and assemble in groups of more than five. Blacks, fought to own land, fought for the right to be killed in every war of this great nation and NOT be referred to as three-fifths of a human being.

Renaming Barber Park is featherweight in comparison to our struggle. Jesus said, if the blind leads the blind---then both shall fall into the ditch and for us to want for our neighbors, that which WE want for ourselves and our own children.

In conclusion: I have no doubts, that men and women of conscious will eventually rename not only Barber Park. And say that it is a moral disgrace that out of twenty-three City, and County governmental department heads. There is less than five Black department heads. Out of nine schools only one (1) is named after an African American. Twelve (12) known deaths have occurred in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->II. <!--[endif]-->But no elected official have requested any type of investigation for whatever reason. I have no doubts about change. My real concern is how much it will cost the tax paying public. END, END, END,

1st arrest: The times opinion column on Renaming Barber Park (Rev. Rose & Willie Head of Quitman Jailed)

1. 1st Arrest Rev. Floyd Rose and Willie Head

2. George Rhynes address the Mayor and Council on renaming Barber Park:

3. Valdosta Daily Times listed the Valdosta 15, under the CRIME REPORT ONLY.

4. Court Rules arrest of fifteen freedom fighters unconstitutional (VDT)

5. George Rhynes says Valdosta Daily Times omitted the major facts from Valdosta City Council Meeting to keep people in the WHITE.
6. Local State Court Ruled arrest was unconstitutional<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
7. Fifteen arrested Valdosta Daily Times<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
8. Rev Floyd Rose meets with the Peoples Agenda in Atlanta
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
9. The Valdosta Daily Times says Valdosta City Council should revisit Barber Park Issue
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10, The times opinion column on Renaming Barber Park (Rev. Rose & Willie Head of Quitman Jailed)


I am Brother George Boston Rhynes, president of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, A concerned citizen and brother of humanity! I received this e-mal from Rev. Floy E. Rose today (May 24, 2006).He is the president of the Peoples Tribunal located in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. And since this issue of renaming Barber Park will go before the Mayor and City Council tomorrow (May 25, 2006). I believe these points need to be shared with other people of conscious across our beloved nation.

The original intent of this e-mail was sent to a friend of the minister who had some questions concerning more important things than renaming a park. However, when I read Rev. Rose response. I called and ask permission to share its content. I thank him for this priviledge, and I am thankful for our form of government. {GBR}

My Dear xxxxxx
I know how you feel. Others have felt the same way, and have said as much. If we were only talking about renaming Barber Park, perhaps we would agree that our time and energy could be better spent. However, this is not just about the renaming of a park. It’s about cutting the ties of the park to its shameful, segregated past, and renaming it for Ossie Davis, an internationally acclaimed playwright, author and actor from South Georgia. It’s about a vision; a vision of a 34.4 acre site with an African American Museum and Cultural Arts Center, complete with a library and conference center, including smaller rooms which would house the artifacts of local African American men and women, who have made significant contributions to the development of this community; an amphitheater named for Ossie Davis’ wife and co-star of 56 years. It’s about the nature trails named for Harriet Tubman, symbolic of the Underground Railroad, etc. I am. Personally committed to raising a $100,000 for this project, should the Mayor and Council vote to change the name.
Let me be clear. We all know that if Barber Park was in a neighborhood where ninety-seven percent of the population was Jewish, and ninety-nine percent of the people who were using that park were Jewish, in a district where its representative was Jewish, in a city that was fifty-two percent Jewish, and where eighty percent of the children in public schools were Jewish, they would NEVER allow it to be named for a man who, even unwittingly, supported the mistreatment of Jews. Why should we accept less?
There are those who would say that it really doesn’t matter what you call it. During the 1950’s, I heard the same thing about the back of the bus. “After all”, they said, “the back of the bus will get there the same time that the front of the bus will.” It never matters with us, and it always matters with them. Symbols are not important to us, but they are always important to them.
Until 2004, a plaque hung on the outer wall of City Council chambers which read, “The Mayor and Council shall make all proper and necessary laws for the control of slaves and free persons of color,” and it didn’t matter to us. It was reluctantly removed only after George Rhynes vehemently protested. The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.J. L. Newbern had a picture of a smiling Gorilla on the front of the desk in its entrance with the words written beneath it, “smile, it’s the first impression you make,” or something to that effect, and it didn’t matter to us.
Forrest street, which runs the length of our community, is named for Nathan B. Forrest, the co-founder and first grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, and it doesn’t matter to us.

Lee street, which also runs the length of our community, was named for Robert E. Lee, a Confederate General, who tried to keep us in slavery, and it doesn’t matter to us. There’s a statue of a Confederate soldier on the Courthouse grounds, where justice is suppose to be blind, with the words inscribed on its base, “Lest we forget the principles for which they fought, and died,” and it doesn’t matter to us.The Chief of the Fire Department is black, but unlike other major department heads, he cannot hire and fire, and it doesn’t matter to us. There are nine public schools in Valdosta, where eighty percent of the children are black, and only one, J. L. Lomax is named for an African American, and it doesn’t matter to us. And no school in Lowndes County is named for an African American, and it doesn’t matter to us.

Fifteen Christians, including two whites and thirteen blacks were arrested, taken to the Lowndes County Jail, denied bail, charged with “disrupting a public meeting,” a charge under a statute which was later ruled unconstitutional by the Georgia Supreme Court, and those arrested included a minister, a 68 year old grandmother, the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and former President of the NAACP, and wife of an attorney in the Volloton/Langdale law firm, a senior deacon, a registered nurse, two college students, a house wife, a college professor, and retired high school teacher. The minister was separated from the other men, and placed in solitary confinement. The women were placed in a holding cell where, when one of them had to use the toilet, the others had to shield her from the view of men, and it doesn’t matter to us. Their bonds ranged from $1000.00 to $2500 for a misdemeanor, and not a single black leader called to see what happened because it didn’t matter to us.During the days of segregation we went to the back of the bus, ate in segregated restaurants, when they were available. We drove across the country, bought gas from service stations but couldn’t use their restrooms. We slept in our cars on the side of the road until the police noticed us and ordered us to move on. We had to find a patch of woods to relieve ourselves, and it didn’t matter to us until Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Roy Wilkins, James Former, Stokely Carmichael, John Lewis and others raised our consciousness.
The Valdosta City School Board seems to have acquiesced to Judge Ellerbee, and children with disabilities are being arrested and shipped off to Juvenile detention centers, in violation of federal law, and it doesn’t matter to us.
Contrary to what you may have heard, I am first and foremost a disciple of Jesus Christ, and I take my calling seriously. I never propose to speak for anybody but myself, and for only those whose views are identical to mine on any subject at any time, just as they speak for me when my views are identical to theirs on any subject at any time. To be a disciple of Jesus means to me that I must be willing to sacrifice so that others don’t have to sacrifice.

I must be willing to suffer so that others won’t have to suffer. I must be willing to go to jail, so that others might be set free, and I must be willing to die, if need be, so that others might live. My religion can be summed up in one sentence: “I want to treat others as I wish to be treated.”
In the end, as I have said to my family, I might lose my property, my money, my freedom, and even my life, but I will never lose my integrity. And integrity means that I never have to ask any one of three questions: (1) What do others think? (2) What will others do? (3) What will happen to me if?
I have been here before, and if I have learned anything it is the truth of what Mahatma Gandhi said, “First they will ignore you. Then they will laugh at you. Then they will criticize you. Then they will ostracize you. Then they will fight you. And then you will win….”
I am happy to sponsor a student for BUGS (Bringing Up Grades Successfully). Our check for $120.00 is in the mail.

Rev. Floyd E. Rose, author of e-mail received by George Boston Rhynes!


May 25, 2006, on the renaming of "Barber Park" (The Community had been informed that the issue would come up for a vote) However, the Mayor turned this issue over to councilman Vickers who presented a "MEMORANDUM" (Following council members comments to the motion)


Councilman Joseph "Sonny" Vickers from District 3, and "Barber Park," is located in this district.

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HIS WORDS ON THE ISSUE: I think I need to address an issue this perception and I can understand the perception that I was going to have a vote on Ossie Davis name tonight. I spoke to the mayor in the hallway at the last meeting night. And I said to him that I was going to have the issue on the agenda. What it was that I was going to recommend work I had no idea whatsoever. But I can assure you for the last several days I have constantly worked this issue trying to find a format that I could bring to the council that might be successful.

I had several thoughts and as I run them by council members got input from them. Ah, I worked the phone last night until about 10:30. I worked, I have a job. I was on the phone again today trying to work the phone trying to get enough votes that we could have a successful resolution to this issue.

When I was elected to City Councilman I use to come to city council as a community activists. And after I got elected Mack Cason said to me its different sitting on this side than sitting on the other side. I have to try to put something together. I have one vote and I don’t bring things to council an issue that I am trying a resolve to just to get a vote on it. I had to work this issue, and I appreciate the council members, the mayor and council members for engaging me. Every one of you all I talked to several different times on this issue.

As I got the format together and I sent it out and sent it back to me and I sent it back and they sent it back to me. And that is how I got what I got now. If I had brought the issue just Ossie Davis name I doubt very seriously it would have passed. Why? We heard out in the community all the council members we heard a lot of people tell us to leave the park along.

Today, I got five calls out of my district that was on my answering machine and I left them on my answering machine and they are still on the answering machine. Come from the Hightower Subdivision. Say, leave the park along. You know, this is the thing I’ve heard. Next thing I heard a lot of name it for a local person. And I heard for Ossie Davis, and we have heard other names so listening at what I have heard out in the community. And what I heard from council members. This is what I was able to put together to bring and hopefully to get it passed.

If I had time, I would have come by and talked to you (Rev. Floyd Rose), about it. But I just didn’t have the time to come by and talk to you, and that’s the reason that I didn’t.

Go back to my rule and the problem that I heard in the community and the problems I heard with council members. This is my problem; it wasn’t about renaming Barber Park to me. That wasn’t my problem my problem was that the base issue for changing the name was because when I was a young man I couldn’t go there. That was the basic reason for changing it. To me it didn’t bother me. I had been going to the park for thirty-five years. And this is what the community seemed to be more gravitated to that didn’t matter to you OK.

And Brother Rose, if you remember in January of last or late December I went by your place for something. But a young lady was there from Atlanta Georgia. And we got into this conversation and we had just received the first letter from you telling us of your intent of bringing this. And I said to you, Brother Rose don’t go down this race road with this. Use another approach, I didn’t say don’t bring it. I just asked you to use another approach.

So you didn’t and when this got here somebody had to take this up. I couldn’t take it up because I just didn’t believe in, in, in, the bases of that which premise in that you brought it in. I just didn’t believe that I didn’t feel like that and I can understand you make like feel like I didn’t. And being over in my district I’m the one that I think council look for some lead and I, I just have some problem with it not about changing the name but the reason. And this is some other council members have expressed this.

If you remember when this issue first came up it came up as Russell Woods. And the gentlemen and I don’t remember who it was and I don’t remember how it originated but they made the specification. And they came in and talked about what Russell had did and what have you and it was well received. But I just want to let you know as far as I aim concerned that’s the problem that I have had with this.

So I just didn’t, haven’t had the appetite to pick this issue up because of that. And you and I. You know I have said this to you and I have a lot of respect for you. One thing I really feel that sometimes you mean well you and I disagree at the method. But I know that you mean well at what you are trying to do.

So saying that and listening at council members and the community that they wanted to leave it local name and other names so I got something together. I believe try and get broad support on council and move forward on this issue. And I tried to make at putting it together and with you all input. I tried to ah, address it and frame it where hopefully that everybody will feel comfortably with it. So this is why I went this way with it. END, END, END,



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I want to point out, a couple of things that I felt, I need to say. `Ah, number one (1),

 I know there has been a lot of discussion like Ah, Councilman Vickers eluted to on this issue. Ah, its been talked about for a while, and I agree, with the pastor (Pastor Dobson who spoke previously), that it needs to come to a head.

Ah, but I know that there are some issues and some discussions. That have been going on that I have not been privy to. I know that there have been meeting ah, going on and drawings. That have been shown. I don’t know anything about those meetings. I don’t know anything about those drawings.

So it’s hard for me to say NOW less go ahead and put it to a vote. Ah, the issue of Barber Park is one that I don’t think is going to go away anytime soon. I think the proposal put forth by ah, Councilman Vickers is a way to solicit input and get people involved with this. And deal with it once and for all. Because it is a way of dealing with this issue and us finally voting on it. So I can support this because it will be a vote on it once and for all, and we will be dealing with this issue with the community input.”

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When Councilman Vickers approached me Ah, with his idea Ah, course. I was immediately taken back to I guess a year or so ago. Whenever this issue was at I guess at one of its high points. And I ah, ah, made a motion to formulate a committee and ah. That died for lack of a second, and ah, of course when I got home my wife said I told you so. And I, I try to listen to her most of the time.

But more importantly ah, some efforts I made later to Ah, Ah, to try to push for the formulation of a committee, and many peoples in the Tribunal and some on this side of the isle Ah, was aware of that effort. Ah, and Ah, that failed, Ah, And sometime I think Ah, a lots of things get in the way, and, and, and, sometimes we don’t want to humble ourselves down and say less do, ah what best for the community.

But when he approached me with the idea. Ah, I embraced it, Ah, because this is something that in my mind eating away at the core of this community. Whatever side of the issue you might be on. And it inhibits our progress as a community because folks look at us. And right now we are known kind of as the premier city of South Georgia and folks are looking for us to go places, and when we have to deal with things that sometimes seems ugly. It inhibits our progress and so I embrace your recommendations Councilman Vickers and hope that it passes.


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a. You know sometimes maybe I think, we just don’t seem to get the message out. And I heard this afternoon a couple of statements that I just, I just sometimes wonder, and I want to clarify a couple of those things. Ah, the comments was made about the MLK corroder about the street being so small and that it was not an honorable thing that we had done.

I think that we are in the process NOW of doing the MLK Project, and what is the amount that we are spending on that project for redevelopment on that street. And it’s greater than the monument to Dr. King.

VALDOSTA CITY MANAGER LARRY HANSEN RESPONDS:<!--[endif]--> I think the project budget is now about 1.5 million dollars. And it’s in the final design stages now by Jackson and Persons and associates. {LH}

And I doubt there is other communities of our size that have spent that kind of money. To do the type job that we are wanting to do. And I do want to say that we went to Washington a couple of weeks ago. And members of this council, we embraced and we went up there together to ask for funding for this project. And that project was unanimously supported by a pervious council whose racial makeup is different than today. And that project was overwhelmingly accepted by this council and we are moving forward on it.

There are also some parks since I have been on this council that have been named. The Mildred Hunter Center, Ralph Harrington Park and the James H. Rainwater Center. So there are some parks named after African Americans in our community.

I do want to say that----Sonny I think that you have worked very hard on this councilman. You have worked very hard on this, and it is your district. And that you have the opportunity to speak with a lot of people in your community. And Ah, I have enjoyed serving with you for the many years and I always found that you are a reasonable person. And that I know that this is probably been one of the most difficult Ah, things that you had to deal with and you have approached it very professional.

And I appreciate you keeping us informed, and I, I, tell you that I certainly recommend this proposal and I think that we need to. I’m, I’m, not sure that it is the best thing for us to keep chipping away at the past but less embrace and less move forward together for a better day. And I think this is a great recommendation.

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Well I just want to say pretty much as everybody else has. Ah, Councilman Vickers you and I have over the past five or six days probably talked over an hour on the phone. We have gone back and forth debating the issue and as you know I got a lot of respect for you and the time you have served council. And the dignity that you served with. And ah, when you first called me I said I had some reservations about renaming the park and I still do.

And then you called me and we talked about forming a committee and ah, we talked about that this morning for about thirty minutes and I told you that I still though WE had some reservations about it and wasn’t sure. And I thought about it for the rest of the afternoon and gave it a lot of thought. And Ah, it is your district and, and, you Ah, have your ear to the ground I know. You are one of the hardest working councilmen up here, and I know that you spend a lot of time meeting with your constituents. And Ah, I am, ah, prepared to follow your recommendation and Ah, I am in favor of forming a committee.The above information was recorded on a RadioShack Tape Recorder serial number 214540929909A05 and transcribed by an unprofessional person. Moreover, in no way is it intended to cast any negative shadows on any one person. But rather intended to inform and educate the public of what transpired at Valdosta City Council held on May 25, 2006 concerning a most serious issue of renaming "Barber Park" to Ossie Davis.

Hopefully, renaming the park will remove the WHITECLOUD of denial, segregation, separate and unequal treatment over a park that is in a community that is 97 persent People of Color. {George Boston Rhynes}

Mayor and Council
FROM: Joseph "Sonny" Vickers, City Council member
SUBJECT: Proposal for Committee on Barber Park
May 23, 2006
The following is a proposal for consideration concerning the appointment of a committee to address the name of Barber Park.
Background: For the past 18 months a small group of citizens have requested Mayor and Council rename Barber Park. The group has submitted several names during this time. There has been little interest in the subject from the x community as a whole. The request came during a 1.5 million dollar renovation of the park. The Mayor and Council has previously placed the item on the agenda on two occasions for a vote. On one occasion, a motion to appoint a committee died for lack of a second. On the other occasion a motion to rename the park failed by a vote of 3-2 with two members absent.
History: The City purchased the property now known as Barber Park from Ola
Barber Pittman in 1974 for $109,000 of which $40,000 was provided by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Mr. E.R. Barber purchased the property in 1920 from O.E. Hightower for $6,820. On December 5, 1973, the Valdosta Mayor and Council voted unanimously to name the property to be acquired from Ola Barber Pittman as E.R. Barber Park. The City of Valdosta has owned the property since 1974 and during this 32 years the property has been open and available to all citizens. Prior to 1974 the property was private as far back as deeds can determine and thus its use would have been determined by the private property owner(s).
Intent: The intent of this proposal is to determine interest in revisiting the issue of
the name of Barber Park,
Proposal: The Mayor and Council will appoint a committee to develop a recommendation concerning the name of Barber Park to include whether the park should be renamed and if so, a recommendation as to a name.
- Each member of Mayor and Council will appoint one representative from the district they represent to the committee. A member may not appoint himself. This will result in an eight person committee. Mayor and Council will not be directly involved in the deliberation or recommendation of the committee.
Citizens appointed to the committee should be open- minded and agree to participate actively on the committee.
The members will serve as the voting members of the committee and will elect its own chairperson. The chairman may only vote in the event of a tie.
The committee will be provided a written format by which interested persons will submit opinions as to renaming and/or names for consideration. To be considered any opinion or nomination must be in writing in the format prescribed by the committee. Public input will be received in writing only and will be submitted to the Associate City Clerk, who will gather and provide the written comments to the committee. All comments or nominations must be signed and submitted by a Valdosta city resident. Duplicate submissions will not be accepted nor will multiple copies of the same submittal.
The committee will study the issue, determine what recommendation, if any, is to be made, and provide a written report to the Mayor and Council within 12 weeks of their appointment.
Mayor and Council will have the discretion to provide any guidelines deemed appropriate and necessary to the committee.
City staff will provide administrative support such as meeting notices, agendas, minutes, meeting locations, etc.
Any final action or final decision will be solely at the discretion of Mayor and Council.
Mayor and Council agrees, that in consideration for appointing a committee and voting on a recommendation, that no further action will be considered related to the name of Barber Park for a minimum of five years.
However, we must remind ourselves of the Valdosta City Charter of the 1860. It was displayed near the Municipal Courtroom for over 20 years. Paragraph 100, (Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.” This too was met with opposition but I was removed to a location not reported in the local news media outlets.
Brooks County Court House still flying the OLD GEORGIA FLAG on the internet Why?
Rev. Martin L. King Jr., lived as he wanted other to live and contribute to building a better community, state, nation, and world. For his good deeds he was murdered by sub-human beings whom he loved beyond measure.....