Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rhynes Before Mayor/City Council on name change of Barber Park

February 2, 2005

Barber Park, Valdosta NAACP, Mayor, Council and Citizens!
Posted by George Rhynes on 2/8/2005 21:24:45

Valdosta City Mayor and Council (Respectively, February 8, 2005)
216 East Central Ave
Valdosta Georgia 31601

Honorable Mayor and Council

[1 ] As President of the Valdosta Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, Executive Committee, and Members, after collectively reviewing the Historical Archives surrounding Barber Park and the man for whom it is named, we concluded that “Barber Park” should be renamed to honor “Russell Woods.” This will annex the Park to the 21st Century--of inclusion, fairness, and healing.

[2 ] Some of you may have asked the legitimate question. Why make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill? For over 435 Years---Blacks suffered, bled and died just to get a drink of water from a public water fountain. Etc. Just last year an 1860 Valdosta City Charter was removed from these walls. I will quote from that historical document in a minute. In order to give a quick glance why “PEOPLE of CONSCIOUS” cannot STOP fighting to remove names, signs and symbols, that says to Black Children and their parents subliminally, and overtly, that they are inferior and not entitled to be respected as equals.

[3 ] In Section XI, of that 1860 Valdosta City Charter read and I quote: “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the CONTROL of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS of COLOR in Valdosta---and to suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in Valdosta or from other causes.”

[4 ] Honorable Mayor and Council--you removed that outdated charter, it was not a Black or White thing. It was the right thing to do. If Valdosta no longer condones the practices of the past, then renaming Barber Park in Honor of Russell Woods----should be an easy task.

[5 ] Why are we concerned? Because when six (6) Million Jews were killed under Hitler’s Regime, and when Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps, and the Native Americans were driven from their land, many of their descendents were compensated and monuments were erected in their honor. But the descendents of slaves, victims of segregation, discrimination, and mistreatment were never compensated, but were denied to enter “Barber’s Park.”

[6 ] The founding fathers of this Republic, The Constitution, and God himself---Said that all men were created equal. Therefore, Every Child deserves positive images in their communities that will create self-worth, pride, dignity, and self respect. There are NO streets, or parks in affluent Local---White, Gated communities with the name of Emit Till, Megar Evers, Jack Johnson, Nat Turner, Elijah Muhammad, Jesse Jackson, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, or Stokely Carmichael etc.

[7 ] If Mr. Barber’s theology is no longer applicable and acceptable in Valdosta. Then we should gladly rename the park. Not out of hate---but to educate the people, that everything in the universe---is in MOTION and moving towards change.

[8 ] When a doctor, lawyer, elected official, pastor or soldier, no longer practices their profession, they take their signs down. Honorable Mayor and Council, if Valdosta no longer practices the principles of the past, then she too should take HER signs down. The time has come for us collectively---to love and treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated. God demands nothing less from us. America is a great nation and the Local Branch of the NAACP---just want to keep it that way. Peace!

Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)

ALSO SEE: Councilman Sonney Vickers:

Cc: Info: State Office of the NAACP
Peoples Tribunal
Local Media Outlets
Local Valdosta Community Leaders


5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2003



Mayor Rainwater called the regular meeting of the Valdosta City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present were: Willie Head, Jr., Dexter Sharper, J. R. Sessions, David Sumner, Joseph Vickers, Richard Stewart. Councilman Robert Yost was absent. The invocation was given by Pastor George Bennett of First Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.


Floyd Rose, President of People’s Tribunal, 4001 Foxborough Boulevard, informed the Council that he had pictures of two markers approximately 10’ apart at West Hill Avenue and Patterson Street. The first marker states: “This corner, Wall Street and West Hill Avenue, was the site of the largest in-land Sea Island and cotton market in the world in 1910. Because of this cotton market, Valdosta was named the center of cotton production in south Georgia and was also rated the richest city per capita in the United States. The railroads were the life line that connected Valdosta to its market and led to the economic growth of the town.” The second marker that states: “Troop Encampment Site, Company G, 103rd Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry camped on this corner January through February, 1866.” Mr. Rose stated that one of the markers was very neatly prepared and was installed by the Valdosta Town Committee in 1993, however, there was no date on the other marker and no indication of who was responsible for putting it up.

Mr. Rose Continues:  WOULD like to obtain information about who was responsible for putting up the markers so that they can be contacted about having them redone. Mr. Rose noted that the County Commissioners recently placed a marker at the Lowndes County Courthouse which was very nice and a tribute to those it commemorates. Councilman Head stated that he was approached several months ago about the markers and he had tried to find out who served on the Valdosta Town Committee but was unable to do so. He was also unable to determine who placed the other market at that site. Councilman Head spoke with the President of the Heritage Foundation regarding the markers. The Heritage Foundation has been trying to standardize the markers to make them similar to the one located at the corner of Patterson Street and Brookwood near Drexel Park which was approved by the State for historical sites across the Georgia. While discussions continue with the Heritage Foundation, Councilman Head also spoke with the President of the Bank of America regarding funding support for <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->the cotton exchange and the troop encampment markers in order to make them identical to the type at Drexel Park. Larry Hanson, City Manager, stated that he worked with the Valdosta Town Committee in 1993 and there were approximately 18-19 sites that were identified for placement of markers. The City approved the signs that were erected. The other signs may be part of a separate program by the Heritage Foundation. Mr. Hanson will contact the Heritage Foundation about the markers.

George Boston Rhymes, XXXX, Oak Drive, informed the Council that he owns the business, New Man Music, which is located at 605 ½ East Hill Avenue. Mr. Rhymes expressed his concerns about panhandlers and public drinking of alcohol in that area. The police were called years ago, but the situation is getting worse. Mr. Rhymes asked the City for help in getting this area cleaned up. Mayor Rainwater stated that the Valdosta Police Chief would be notified of the situation.

Kathleen Williams, 418 Mildred Street, informed the Council that she was representing the Cypress-Forrest Community of Concerned Citizens. Ms. Williams stated that there has been no progress in resolving the problems with Reames & Son Construction. The noise has been terrible, and the dust is not being watered down. Mayor Rainwater stated that the City has been looking into the long range plan and even the possibility of purchasing some of those houses but could not promise a quick turn around. Larry Hanson, City Manager, inquired as to whether the problem has gotten any better since the last time Ms. Williams spoke to the Council. Ms. Williams stated that it has gotten worse and she has been in contact with Councilman Sharper about the situation. Councilman Sharper stated that he has information which may provide some immediate relief and will share with the Council.

James Wright, 747 East Brookwood Place, informed the Council that he became familiar with the signs mentioned by Rev. Rose during his research into family history. Mr. Wright’s family has lived in this area since 1860. The 103rd U. S. Colored Infantry was in this area to help free men register to vote and to provide them with food and shelter. His great-great grandfather was registered to vote 1890 and this was a direct result of the 103rd U. S. Colored Infantry being in the area. Mr. Wright is very much interested in the condition of the markers.

In addition, Mr. Wright informed the Council that he spoke with Mr. Randall Lane regarding water runoff in his neighborhood. There is an apartment complex adjacent to his home and there is not adequate parking. The tenants park on the grass which creates mud puddles. Mr. Wright called the City to find out what could be done to correct the problem. Mr. Lane viewed the area and told Mr. Wright that the drainage system was not adequate. Mr. Wright stated he has had his driveway paved to stop the water from running into the driveway. However, the water now collects in front of his driveway and is causing the concrete to crack. There is another neighbor that has water running into her house during heavy rainfall. Mr. Wright would appreciate any assistance the City can provide in resolving the drainage problem.

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