The President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, George Boston Rhynes (Left), and Peoples Tribunal President Floyd E. Rose (Right), were (BOTH) arrested and held in the Lowndes County Jail for twenty-four hours along with thirteen other concerned citizens on 5 May 2005. By the Valdosta City Mayor and Council for allegedly disrupting a public meeting.

These are facts the Local News Media WHITEOUT machine failed to report to the CITIZENS of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. Jesus said in his writings that "YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET/MAKE YOU FREE." One can only imagine why the Local Media WHITEOUT Machine did not report the following facts:
Which have become the peak of the pyramid of this arrest as was revealed on May 5th, 2005. When Mayor John Fretti said something to the effects that “Somebody might want to talk about their stray dog, or cat.” (His statement was apparently left out of the City Council Minutes).
However, his words took many of us back to the Valdosta 1860 City Charter Article 100, Section XI, which was displayed for over 20 years in city hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Court Room that read:. “THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES.”The Mayor words seem to reveal the truth of the needle behind the haystack.
Moreover, it seem that our local Media WHITEOUT machine failed to report the comments from Ms. Leigh Touchton speaking in favor of renaming Barber Park. She is a National SHERO, for being the 1st White Woman to be elected President of an NAACP Branch in this Country. However, her comments were a total WHITEOUT. Local media failed to mention that TWO of the seven Women arrested were white. COPY AND PASTE:
That Dr. Ari Santas a white professor from Valdosta State University who spoke eloquently concerning the name change. He, was also instrumental in assembling a two hour documentary video years ago entitled “A Chorus of Fear,” outlining the truth behind the Good Boy System in Lowndes County. Dr. Santas wife Pat who spoke before the Council with her son were also omitted from the article on renaming the park.
They ignored, JESSE CLARK, a Retired Lowndes County Educator, Chairman of the Local NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and Vice President of the local NAACP who spoke of the benefits of renaming Barber Park after Ossie Davis.
 They ignored Willie Head, Vice President of the Peoples Tribunal comments on renaming the park. Mr. Head has traveled to four foreign countries including Cuba on behalf of Black Farmers. He sat in the White House with former President Bill Clinton on behalf of Black Farmers.
They ignored Queen Ann Robinson a nationally recognized Poet who said, “God is just, so you must be just. Justice is the foundation of civilization and if justice does not exist, civilization crumbles. If justice is not rendered, you will be removed.”
They failed to report that the 3-2 vote by the Council not to consider a committee to rename Barber Park was divided down Racial Lines. After acknowledging their mistake about the land being donated for Barber Park on 24 April 2005, they continued to publish Rants that the park was donated and that there was a contractual agreement. Even a local former Firefighter and Deacon Tony Daniel’s from one of the most prestigious Black Churches in Lowndes County also spoke during this meeting but was ignored. How could all this be in the 21st Century of the Cosby Kids, and the Pepsi Generation. Especially since Valdosta is now a Metropolitan City. We probably could understand these omissions if Valdosta was in Iraq or in some other third world country. But we are now a Metropolitan City and there is no need for all these “WHITEOUTS” by the South Georgia News Media Network. It is also strange that NO Television Network (WCTV, WALB, etc) was present at either of these meetings of community importance. However, Scott James a White local Conservative Talks Show Host did address some of the concerns from the City Council Meeting on his Talk Show. The South Georgia Media Machine even ignored the arrest of the President of the local NAACP Branch. It must be noted that the NAACP is the oldest Civil Rights Organization in the Nation. Therefore, we must ask why so many important omissions are being allowed in this South Georgia Area, and for what purpose? Lets take a second look at the 1860 Valdosta City Charter: of 1860 which states. “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES.” Is this also the purpose of the (SGMN), to keep people ignorant and unable to make intelligent decisions based on truth in order to maintain the Status Quo. The Valdosta Daily Times omitted that two Police Vans were parked outside City Hall before the meeting began on 5 May 2005, and that extra Law Enforcement were also on the scene, and they were as ready as Fretti to abide by Article 100, Section XI, of an 1860 City Charter to “Control, Suppress, and Abate all Nuisances arriving from slaves, and free persons of color, Hogs, Dogs, Horses, or other stock straying at large in Valdosta Georgia. Its somewhat strange that our Mayor referred to stray animals in the May 5th meeting when fifteen American citizens were arrested. Moreover, the media failed to mention that Rev. Floyd Rose was placed in Cell MP 103, for hard core criminals away from those arrested with him. Inmates said “MP-103, was no place for a sixty-six year old man and that white folks were making an example out of you guys.” It has been reported that Representative Tyrone Brooks a Civil Rights Activist has been arrested nearly sixty-five times.
However, he was never placed in solitary confinement as Minister Floyd Rose in the Lowndes County Jail on 5 May 2005. The seven other men were placed in Cell 13B. While the seven ladies two of which were White were all placed in Cell 5, 6, and 7. But the (SGMN), failed to interview them concerning their stay in the county jail. These type omissions seem to be routine practice in this South Georgia Area. Our only daily newspaper “The Valdosta Daily Times,” on their Worship Directory Page on Saturdays only lists religious symbols of the Christians, and Jews. They exclude the religious symbol of the Muslims without question. Moreover, the Atlanta Journal, Augusta Chronicle, and Macon Observer used words like unruly minister and fourteen others were arrested. We must question who provided them with their information. Local media seem to be consistent with the Valdosta City Charter mentality of 1860. This may be why they have NEVER questioned the legality or possibility that the At-Large Voting System in Valdosta is an attempt to keep Blacks from ever becoming the majority on the Valdosta City Council. This would be in keeping with the 1860 Valdosta City Charter to Suppress and Control People of Color. Yet, they have practically ignored that twelve American Citizens have died in our surrounding the Lowndes County Jail and no elected officials have demanded an investigation of these many deaths for whatever reason.
When heritage is spoken of in South Georgia. It never addresses the week of terror in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918 when eleven Blacks were lynched, soaked in gasoline, and motor oil, burned to a crisp, castrated, and their homes burned to the ground. For whatever reason, Sidney Johnson was castrated, his body parts were removed, thrown across the street, tied behind an automobile and dragged down South Patterson Street in broad day light in Valdosta Georgia while citizens looked on in glee, (Ref. The Crises in July, 1918). In addition, an eight-month old Black Fetus was cut from its mothers abdomen (Mary Turner), and its head crushed by the heel of a certain White man boot. This history is also omitted from the South Georgia Media Network but has been documented and a book is now being written with the potential of becoming a movie about this South Georgia Area by a White lady in Florida. A few months ago a Representative from the 144th Congressional District Ellis Black sponsored a bill to rename Negro Branch west of Quitman---to Pride Branch. This was the result of informed students attending Brooks County School system requesting the change from a segregated and shameful past. This is a great gesture by Congressman Black. However, the branch has never been called “Negro Branch.” I am from Brooks County and it has always been known until this very day as “NIGGER BRANCH.” No one in Brooks County knows of a “NEGRO” Branch. This proves that few Whites want to address the real issues of the day concerning heritage. It should also be noted that the fifteen freedom fighters names that were arrested by the orders of the Mayor and Council never appeared in local newspapers or on television. They were only published in the Crime Report of the Valdosta Daily Times on 6 May 2005. When in truth, they should have been recognized as the great followers of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Mr. Mayor and Council this is NOT just about Barber Park or Minister Rose as many have tried to make citizens believe. It is about leaving 1860-1965 and coming into the 21st Century of inclusion, love, justice, and truth. You all must understand that a squeaking wheel can only be stopped by applying grease to the problem.
Mr. Mayor and Council! Do you not understand? That the conditions of the times brought into existence a Mosses, David, Queen Ester, Ezekiel, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Joseph Lowery, Tyrone Brooks, Nat Turner, Elijah Mohammed, John Brown, Malcolm X., Jesse L. Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others. In the same manner that the sick conditions here in Valdosta, and Lowndes County demanded that Minister Floyd E. Rose
 and the fourteen others arrested be brought into existence. And there will be more to follow because the conditions of the times in Lowndes County demands that they come. Our God will always send agitators and liberators to meet the needs of his people as recorded in our historical past. Now! Mr. Mayor and Council, your actions have put the “Eyes of the Nation” on Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia. That was something we could never have done without God working through you---on our behalf. Therefore, I thank you for allowing God to use you in our quest for justice, equality and liberation. Be it known! That “We the People” will not bury our head in the sand like the Legend concerning the ostrich and pretend that we are in heaven. Nor will we stay on our knees and refuse to stand up on our feet for what we know is right. 
Renaming Barber Park is right, examining the At Large Voting System in Valdosta is right, respecting jailed inmates Constitutional Rights is right, eliminating the after burner of an 1860 charter is right, and its just right to be right. Therefore, Barber Park’s name will be changed. There are signs and symbols all around this town paying tribute to Whites. Even though many of these signs and symbols had their beginning in Africa the homeland of ancient and modern man.
Every American must understand that before the Confederate Flag became the Confederate Flag. It was engraved in stone in Africa, and before the Cross of Saint Andrews there was the Cross of Osiris in Africa. Even the Great Seal of the United States of America was engraved in stone in Africa. This has been documented but suppressed, controlled, and kept away from the American People as the local media is attempting to do today.
Moreover, local media ignored Rev Jesse L. Jackson Rainbow PUSH day in the part on renaming Barber Park. By only reporting a blurred picture and 18 words to the people of Lowndes County on a day in the park.  Again, it seem that the 1860 City Charter is still in force. There are Masonic signs and symbols on buildings in and out of the Courtrooms in Valdosta Georgia. Valdosta State University has the Jewish Star of David practically everywhere. Hate groups have their signs and symbols of pride down town on buildings with streets named in their memory. The only thing missing is their eyes to keep ordinary people ignorant.
Mr. Mayor and Council if you fail to do the right thing others will come to straighten out what you have made crooked. Because Luke 4:18 cannot be ignored without paying a great cost. It is easier to embrace the 21st Century of change, fairness, and inclusion by standing on the side of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY. Because when truth comes FALSEHOOD must vanish, and FALSEHOOD is forever a vanishing thing. It vanished in Selma, Little Rock, Montgomery, Birmingham, in the heart of Governor George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and other cities across this nation. So today, it is only fitting and proper that Truth, Justice, and Equality come to South Georgia. The days of control suppression and abating is coming to an end. The only question is how costly it will be for those who reject change, fairness and inclusion.
Mr. Mayor, Council and especially Councilman Sessions---don’t ask Blacks to forget their segregated, and painful historical past without first asking the Jews, and Native Americans to forget what happened to them. It has been reported that 6 million Jews were killed under Hitler. Blacks cannot begin their count under 100 Million. 
You can ignore our pain and tell yourself that it is all about renaming Barber Park and Minister Floyd Rose. But this issue is much larger than a Park and is growing everyday---that it is delayed. It is about treating your neighbor, as you yourself would want to be treated. Today the word is out among many National Civil Rights organizations because of the arrest of fifteen law-abiding citizens. This matter is NOW completely in the hand of the God who delivered Daniel from the Lions Den, the Hebrews Boys from the fiery furnace, and Jonah from the belly of the beast. And He will surely deliver us from what seem to be an 1860 mentality that exists throughout local government. That seem to be in lockstep with the South Georgia Media Network, and the Status Quo that ignores the power of the human spirit housed in both Black and White Right People in Lowndes County.
These are a few of the facts that have become the peak of the pyramid 
and the capstone of this South Georgia Town. But in the end truth will win and the outside world will know. As Paul Harvey would say and now you know the rest of the story.
It appears that Rev. Joseph Lowery of the SCLC, an activist who marched with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and visited Valdosta concerning the death of Willie James Williams Death was correct. “That Lowndes County would be the Selma, and Montgomery of the 21st Century for Civil and Human Rights because of its refusal to adequately address the ill conditions that have existed for too long in South Georgia.”
He said, “that the Civil Rights Movement by-passed Lowndes County.” It appears that the stage is NOW being set for the fulfillment of this divine prophecy. Lowndes County dilemma goes beyond a Black or White thing. It is a right thing, and though we have lost some battles in the past. Our just war is a certain victory. Because we have cosmic companionship with the God of Righteousness!
GEORGE RHYNES President, Valdosta Lowndes County Branch (NAACP) A concerned Citizen and brother of humanity! PS The City Council Meeting (19 May 2005), following the arrest of Minister Rose and the fourteen others were conducted as usual. All comments by Blacks were totally ignored by the Local Media WHITEOUT machine. As if, they were not even present at the Valdosta City Council Meeting on 19 May 2005. Again, this seem to be a routine practice in this South Georgia Town (See the 1860 City Charter Article 100, Section XI)
ALTHOUGH, BLACKS SPOKE AS FORECEFULLY AS THEY DID AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS OVER THE LAST FIVE MONTHS. The South Georgia Media “Whiteout Machine” did not publish one word concerning the issues Blacks brought before the council on 19 May 2005, concerning the purpose for which fifteen Citizens were arrested on 5 May 2005. In addition: A local firefighter also had some concerns on another issue but his presentation was also omitted. This is the insensitivity, and arrogance of our Southern White Male dominated News Media Network system that goes unchecked, unreported, unchallenged, and unchanged apparently from the Old City Charter Days. Therefore, local citizens in South Georgia have been ill informed for too long with no change in sight. I am convinced that nothing will change in this South Georgia Town without an independent outside investigation or the Federal Government from outside this area coming in and understanding Luke 4:18. Inmates, call Valdosta a “Hell Hole” for blacks. (Extracted from Inmates signed letters and notarized statements dated July 2003). Available upon request because in the end only truth will set us free. Peace!
I gave verbal excerpts from this address to the Mayor and Valdosta City Council on 19 May 2005 during their Monthly meeting. I also, thanked the Mayor and Council for my arrest on 5 May 2005 at 7:04 PM. I got to witness the ill conditions of the Lowndes County Jail 1st hand.
P.S. To The P.S. How could any PUBLISHER and EDITOR, in South Georgia or elsewhere, NOT be interested in disseminating to local citizens the following information published in the Valdosta Post by Al Parson on 3 June 2005.
The following letter are the words of LEIGH TOUCHTON, a “White Lady” who was incarcerated in the Lowndes County Jail with fourteen other freedom fighters. It must be noted that these problems are not new but have existed since 1988.
All local elected officials have failed to represent the people who put them into office, and in my humble opinion local media has contributed to this long standing dilemma in South Georgia. LOWNDES COUNTY DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY, AND I AM CONFIDENT THAT IT WILL BE CHANGED! [G.B.R} |
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