Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ossie Davis! Did He or Did He not have ties to Valdosta GA?

The image “http://gratefuldread.net/archives/ossie.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.There has been much talk about Ossie Davis not having ties to VALDOSTA, AND LOWNDES COUNTY GEORGIA, and that Barber Park should not be renamed after this Black American Hero and Black Star that shines so bright in our state.


Did HE or did HE not "Ossie Davis," live in, and have ties to Valdosta, Georgia. And did the Mayor, Council Members along with the Majority Black Select Committee know as Paul Harvey would say----The rest of the story!

Ossie Davis gets to speak for himself, and HE should know! Listen and remember when truth comes falsehood must vanish and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing.........



A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

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