5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2005
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Excerpts from Barber Park Issue at Valdosta City Council when 15 citizens were arrested!
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Tony Daniels, xxxxx, stated that a young man who was a Captain in the Valdosta Fire Department resigned to go to Iraq to make more money. Mr. Daniels noted that Section 304.1 in the City Personnel Policy states: “A permanent employee separated from the service by resignation may within a period of two years after date of separation, at this request, be placed on a general re-employment list. The separated employee will be placed at the firefighter rank and must successfully pass the mandatory one-year probationary period. Separated employees will not be subjected to the hiring process for new employees except as outlined in the City’s Personnel Policy. The eligibility of any person on the re-employment list shall expire one year from the date on which his/her name was placed on the eligible list. This procedure shall be used for any permanent employee who has been laid off as a result of a reduction in force or the abolition of a position. All separated employees must have a positive recommendation for re-employment from the Fire Chief.” Mayor Fretti stated the City’s Policy and Procedures do not allow personnel grievances to be heard at Citizens To Be Heard and asked that Mr. Daniels be broad. Mr. Daniels stated that he did not have a problem with the Captain going to Iraq to make more money, but he had a problem with the Mayor and City Council allowing him to come back and did not follow the Personnel Policy. Mr. Daniels stated that Laval Castleberry was up in rank for the Captain’s position and inquired as to what recourse he had. Mr. Daniels stated that the employee who left got the Captain’s position back and he should have come back as a probation employee just like a new firefighter. Mayor Fretti asked that Mr. Daniels stay away from names and positions. Mr. Daniels inquired as to what recourse other firefighters had besides filing a Federal lawsuit against the City of Valdosta if Mayor and Council was not going to follow the Personnel Policy. Mr. Daniels stated that this lawsuit would stand because the Personnel Policy has been violated, and as government officials, Council needs to do the right thing and abide by the Personnel Policy.
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Jesse Clark, First Vice President of the NAACP and Chairman of the League of Redress, asked Council to seriously reconsider their opposition to the renaming of Barber Park. Mr. Clark stated that this is not a Floyd Rose issue as some had indicated and Council should not look down on him because of his views. Rev. Rose is from Valdosta/Lowndes County and is a property owner and heavy taxpayer. Dr. Martin Luther King was not from Birmingham, but he was jailed there. He was not from Chicago, but he was stoned there. He was not from Memphis, but he died from an assassin’s bullet there trying to help his fellow man.
We honor Dr. King every January, and we have a street and very small memorial honoring him. Dr. King was eulogized by Mr. Ossie Davis, Jr., a playwright of screen and stage. Mr. Clark stated that there was a proposal for a Performing Arts Center and Council will allocate funds for a feasibility study. Mr. Clark asked that Council look at their proposal with an open mind and leave the racism out. There is no reason why one person can have influence over six other people unless there is a political rift.
Mr. Clark asked that Council get away from the thing that they are not going to support if it is because of Floyd Rose. If Barber Park was renamed to Ossie Davis, Jr., who lived here during his teenage years and attended Macedonia Baptist Church on J. L. Lomax Drive, and if our grant writer was to submit a grant and give it to Senator Saxby Chambliss, with the assistance from Representative Sanford Bishop, the President of the United States and his wife who admired Ossie Davis would give their blessing. We could establish a beautiful museum on that 34.4 acres with a waterfall in front of it which would be an asset to the public and private school systems. Mr. Clark stated that he believed Sam Allen, Superintendent of the Valdosta City School, and Dr. Steve Smith, Superintendent of the Lowndes Co. School System, and even the private schools would endorse this concept. Mr. Clark stated that Valdosta State University could incorporate in their curriculum a requirement that some of their students serve at the museum. Some of the Performing Arts could also take place at the amphitheater that is located in the park. The public schools could visit this facility every semester and could tie it in with the Social Studies curriculum. You would need a full time curator and volunteers to man the center. This grant could help us establish a small mini Conference Center which could be tied in with the James H. Rainwater Conference Center.
Mr. Clark stated that this could also help combat gang violence because we could confer with the group and show them what has happened throughout history and how they could attain certain things. They could be tutored in many ways and it would have a positive impact on this City and Lowndes County. Because of Ossie Davis and his wife, Ruby Dee, corporations like the Wal-Mart Foundation and the Coca Cola Foundation would be thrilled to have their name on a board as a sponsor and would also supply grant money. Mr. Clark asked that all of the negative bickering be put in the background and that Council approve this and not make headlines throughout the United States and internationally. We need to become friends, brothers, and sisters of Lowndes County and Valdosta.
Ari Santas, xxxxx, stated that when we say our prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance we do not always think about the full meaning of the words that are spoken. Ms. Santas stated that when he heard “Father, forgive us for our sins” and “one nation under God” this evening it reminded him of Alexis de Tocqueville who came to this country in the 18th century and wrote a critique of American culture called, Democracy in America. In it, he stated two very important things about this country: (1) There is a tendency for tyranny of the prevailing feeling and sentiment in this country that one group who happens to prevail can tyrannize over another group and that tyranny can be just as foul as the tyranny as de Tocqueville experienced in Europe, and (2) America has an incredible rift because of race and it will be this rift that will be the undoing of this nation. Mr. Santas stated that there are deep wounds in this country with an ugly past and segregation was an ugly system. We cannot blame Council for what happened then, but we can address what is going on now. We have citizens who are stigmatized and harmed in this park naming issue. E. R. Barber was an inventor, a successful businessman, and he owned a beautiful park that people wanted to visit; however, the park had a fence around it that kept black people out. The fact is that Mr. Barber forced segregation. Mr. Santas inquired as to whether we want to continue to honor him by naming this park after him, particularly on that side of town which is predominantly African-American. Mr. Santas stated that he felt they should not and asked Council to consider the proposal to form a committee to consider renaming Barber Park.
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Leigh Touchton, xxxxxxxxx, stated that she supported the previous two speakers. Ms. Touchton stated that it is difficult to grow up as a white person in the South because things are taken for granted and you believe that the world is a fair place because you are a white person. Ms. Touchton stated she graduated in 1978 from Lowndes High School and her favorite teacher was Ms. Juanita Miller who taught French. Ms. Touchton stated that she never learned anything about Martin Luther King until she met Ms. Miller. She was not taught about the civil rights struggle in the South. When the schools were desegregated, most of the black teachers and principals lost their jobs or were demoted. Ms. Miller kept her job because there was not a white French teacher around. Ms. Miller took Ms. Touchton to her alma mater, Morris-Brown University and she was the only white person on that campus. Ms. Touchton stated that it was very scary because she had grown up being in the majority and black people were in the minority. Ms. Touchton then realized there was another world out there where black people are chancellors, professors, engineers, mathematicians, bankers, and lawyers. Unfortunately, we do not see that world represented in Valdosta and Lowndes County. All of the City’s parks and public buildings, with the exception of the Mildred Hunter Center, are named after white people. Ms. Touchton stated that we take it for granted because we say that is history, but history was written by white people. It is time that we started affirming contributions of minorities in our society. Ms. Touchton stated that she was taught not to talk about race and that proves that you are not a racist; however, that is not true. It just proves that racism is not being talked about. Ms. Touchton stated that we have the ability to set something right and can make one tiny change in the name of a place that will affirm black people’s position in the community. Ms. Touchton stated that she could think of no better person to recognize and honor than Ossie Davis and asked Council to search their hearts and move forward on renaming Barber Park.
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Mr. Head stated that they are adding to juvenile crime and defamation of a people. He was at West Gordon Elementary School attending a chorus program and noted that the chorus was 50-75% people of color and the gym was filled with 60-75% people of color. When the Principal called up the ones responsible for orchestrating the event, none of the people who were responsible or in charge were people of color. Mr. Head stated that the Mayor had just presented a gentleman with an award for his intellect and whoever sees him who looks like him would be proud of him. Mr. Head stated that at West Gordon Elementary School, the young parents could not see anyone who was responsible for the event that looked like that them. Mr. Head stated that he has a 10-year old granddaughter and she sang but she was not proud. They sang the song “America” and she did not sing the song like he knew she could sing it because she was not proud. She did not see anybody in charge of anything that looked like her. Mr. Head stated that Councilmen and Mayors are public servants and are here to serve the public and not make decisions as to what they want or how they want it. If the citizens say to them they want Ossie Davis, then that is all you take back. Mr. Head stated that he wanted to be clear that Council members are just public servants and are paid with tax dollars. If the citizens say to them that they want Ossie Davis and want Barber Park’s name changed, then that is all you bring back. This is the way it is. Mr. Head stated that the young man who received the reward is proud and his family is proud of him, but think about the black mothers and fathers who were at the event at West Gordon Elementary School. They had a black representative from the Fire Department, the Sheriff’s Department, and the Navy and that told Mr. Head that all they can do is serve. The people who make the policies and establish the rules are all people who look like the four white Councilmen, the Mayor, and the City Attorney. The reason juveniles face court is because they do not know what is expected of them and they do not see anyone who looks like them in power. Mr. Head stated that Council was adding to the system. Council says they want to solve the problem then they should offer a committee to rename Barber Park. Mr. Head stated that this is all they are asking. They love their children and want them to know about Ossie Davis. They cannot depend on the undependable to teach their children unless they do it through Barber Park. Barber Park is just the beginning. Mr. Head stated that they are going to be clear and honest. You will have problems with the black children as long as the curriculum is like it is. The curriculum starts with changing places like Barber Park. Mr. Head stated that there is a paternal function to the government which means that is your child, you gave birth to it, and you would serve it when you took office. The people are saying they need the park and you need to get that park, whichever way it comes, that is your obligation to it as a paternal function.
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Councilman Head stated that he had to leave the Council Meeting to attend the Jr. Fire Marshal Banquet to represent Mayor and Council and would return when it is over. Councilman Head left the meeting at 6:21 p.m.
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Rev. Floyd Rose, President of The People’s Tribunal, xxxxxxxxx, informed Council that he read in the April 22, 2005 edition of the Valdosta Daily Times that Mayor Fretti stated that any citizen could at any time request an addition to the agenda. Rev. Rose requested that the forming of a committee to rename Barber Park be placed on the agenda right now. Mayor Fretti stated that at any point in time any Council member has the opportunity to phone in, walk in, mail in, or request an item be placed on the agenda. It is obvious to you and all of us that they have not done that and they have that opportunity at any time after this meeting. Once the agenda is set it is pretty well set. Mayor Fretti stated that the quote was incorrect. Any citizen could ask any Council member to place something on the upcoming agenda. Rev. Rose inquired as to whether he could ask one of the Councilmen to make that recommendation. Mayor Fretti stated that the rules, policies, and procedures they follow are to engage Council as a whole but there may be a moment at any time that Council could make a recommendation; however, Mayor Fretti would have to rule if it is within the guidelines of the policies and procedures. Rev. Rose stated that he was going to ask one of the Councilmen to do that. Councilman Vickers asked for a point of order. Councilman Vickers stated that once Council has voted on an issue the rules are different because you will have to have five votes to place it back on the agenda. Councilman Vickers stated that there were some interesting points brought up but he was not in a position to discuss them tonight. The rules are a little different when you have already voted than what the Mayor was speaking on. Mayor Fretti stated that he was aware of that. Mayor Fretti stated that once the agenda is set it is pretty well set. Rev. Rose stated that they had a problem because all they were asking Council to do tonight is just say that they would appoint a committee. After listening to all this tonight you all cannot appoint a committee or at least say to us that by such and such a date we will appoint a committee. If you do not do that we are just going to be in problems from now on and there is no reason for it. Mayor Fretti reiterated that if it were to be on the agenda and any Council member wishes to have it placed on this agenda then we would address it, but as you can see it is not. Rev. Rose asked Councilman James Wright if he would offer such a motion. Councilman Wright inquired as to what motion Rev. Rose wanted him to make. Rev. Rose stated that he wanted the establishment of a committee to rename Barber Park to be placed on the agenda. This committee would hold hearings in the community for those who were opposed and those who were not. Mayor Fretti informed Rev. Rose that he was going directly against his instructions. These instructions have been voted on unanimously by this Council and we are honor those policies and procedures. Mayor Fretti stated that he would appreciate it if Rev. Rose would honor those policies and procedures. Rev. Rose stated that he could not and would not honor them tonight. Mayor Fretti stated that they were at an impasse. Rev. Rose stated that Mayor Fretti could do what he had to do and they would have to do what they had to do. It is obvious to them now what this is about and it is so clear and it makes so much sense. You placed on the agenda at the last meeting on April 21st the Performing Arts Center and both black Councilmen voted for it without even thinking about it twice. But when they come in here and ask for something it is some big problem and you have to delay it. Rev. Rose stated that he did not understand it and that it hurts. Mayor Fretti stated that he understood and there may be more citizens that may want to speak on other issues. Rev. Rose stated that he would not move. Mayor Fretti asked Rev. Rose to relinquish the podium so that the Council meeting could continue. Rev. Rose stated that he would not and to do whatever he wanted to do. Mayor Fretti stated that he heard the terms that Rev. Rose wants it on the agenda but after that what are the terms. Rev. Rose stated that all he was asking them to do was to place it on the agenda and let the people decide tonight that there will be a committee. They are not asking them to rename the park tonight. Mayor Fretti stated that he wanted to continue with the agenda and Citizens to be Heard. Mayor Fretti asked Rev. Rose a second time if he would relinquish the podium. Rev. Rose stated that they would not move and to do whatever he had to do. Mayor Fretti stated that everyone has a choice and that he had no choice but to clear Council Chambers. Mayor Fretti asked if there was any objection from Council or the City Manager to ask Chief Frank Simons to clear the Council Chambers. Hearing no objection, Mayor Fretti stated that Chief Simons would do what he deemed necessary to clear the Chambers so the meeting could continue. Mayor Fretti stated that as soon as the podium was relinquished there will be a full open podium for anyone else under Citizens to be Heard. Commander Fason asked that all those who wanted to be arrested to follow him.
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Queen Ann Robinson, homeless citizen, stated that she is a spiritual messenger and her creator sent her to the Council meeting to tell them something. God is just, so you must be just. Justice is the foundation of civilization and if justice does not exist, civilization crumbles. If justice is not rendered, you will be removed.
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Pastor Clifford Dodson, Sr., County Line Independent Methodist Church in Cecil, Georgia, xxxxxxxx, inquired as to whether he could get the proper procedure in writing for placing The People’s Tribunal request on the agenda so that they will know how to proceed from now on. Mayor Fretti stated that any Council member could request items to be placed on the agenda. The City Manager has sole control of the agenda whether it is germane or not to the functions of the City Council because many things are a functionary response of administration to the City Manager and many things are a functionary response of City Council and we have sole discretion on that. Mayor Fretti stated that it is best to go through a Council member to request that. If a citizen writes a letter to ask for something be put before Council, it would go directly to the City Manager and would be his discretion whether or not he puts something on the agenda. The City Manager determines how Council might feel about the item because if Council just voted something up or down one week prior, then it would really get no support if you put it on the agenda week after week and he would be doing himself a disservice unless he were to call Council members to see if they objected to putting it on the agenda. Pastor Dodson stated that regarding the previous issue that was discussed, he heard that you need five Councilmen in order to bring the item back to fruition. Mayor Fretti stated that under the policies and procedures, if a vote or action is taken on an item or issue it can be heard again but will not be reversed unless it has a two-thirds majority within a six-month period. After that six-month period, it will need a simple majority to be reversed or reconsidered. Pastor Dodson inquired about the vote that had already taken place when some of the Council members were absent and whether that was not a vote to form a committee. Mayor Fretti stated that was correct. Pastor Dodson inquired as to what that vote was concerning. Mayor Fretti stated that the vote was to rename Barber Park. Pastor Dodson stated that they would not have to have a majority or five members of Council in order to have a meeting on the naming of a committee. Mayor Fretti stated that was correct. Larry Hanson, City Manager, stated that there was an agenda item to form a committee to consider renaming the park and a motion was made but there was no second. Pastor Dodson inquired as to whether the City Manager would allow them to bring the issue back to form a committee to look into the renaming of Barber Park. Larry Hanson stated that his policy has always been that any item that has been before Council that has been acted on or presented to them that for it to be placed again on the agenda takes a request from a member of Council.
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Councilman Vickers stated that he represents District 3 and has been going to that park for 30 years. He was raised there and was not allowed to go there but they had a pool on the south side of town that they went to. Councilman Vickers stated that he did not have a problem with renaming the park, but his position was that it be renamed for somebody locally who has made a contribution. If you look at the audience and the ones who are going to jail, there is not one person from District 3. Councilman Vickers stated that he was in tune with his district and they oppose it. They feel like people who live elsewhere are dominating what is going on there. If we went to some of these neighborhoods and tried to change the name of the street, they would have a big problem. There is not one person who walked out of Council Chambers that lives over there. Councilman Vickers stated that it was amazing to him how he can go to someone else’s neighborhood and change something and leave them out. Those that have been using the park for 30 years did not have a problem with the park. There are greater issues that need to be addressed. Councilman Vickers stated that he did not have a problem with the park. He was one of the ones who had to go to the back door, but the Bible states that at some point you have to forgive others and move on. You cannot go around and change things those in Council Chambers have no control over. Councilman Vickers inquired as to what Pastor Dodson’s problem was with the park. Pastor Dodson stated that his problem was the history of the park itself. It is like a stigma and the right thing to do would be to get rid of the past or try to change the past. The only ones who can do that is Council. No one can literally change the past, but you can change the future. The reason why The People’s Tribunal does not understand it is because Council is refusing to even set up a committee to look into the issue. That is all they want. They never said you have got to name the park. Councilman Vickers stated that he made the motion for approval and he did not have a problem with the name being changed; however, those who live in that community and have been using the park for 30 years and could not even go to Valdosta High School did not want to change the name. Pastor Dodson stated that those are issues he understood but all the parks in Valdosta are in certain districts. He lives in north Valdosta and did not want to go to Barber Park because it is named after a racist who allowed segregation. Council can make the change though. Pastor Dodson stated that he would ask one of the Councilmen to send a letter or he would send it so that the item can be placed back on the agenda. Councilman Wright stated that Council recommended a committee but that the name is a local citizen. Pastor Dodson inquired as to whether the problem was actually getting the name. Councilman Wright stated that they need to have the people from that area involved in the process and not dictate what others want the name to be.
Patricia Ann Santas, xxxxxxx, stated that she would like to see a committee formed for the renaming of Barber Park. Ms. Santas stated that a lot of the things that people are dealing with in the community occur as white flight takes place and the areas that were formerly white are now predominantly black. Ms. Santas stated that if she does not stand before Council on this issue she would be doing an injustice to her son. Ms. Santas is a school bus driver for the Lowndes County School System and she sees many disturbing things. Even with little children as young as six years old, there is racism. Ms. Santas asked Council to keep in mind using Barber Park for educational purposes. We need to have that within the school systems to help children understand the history of how race has played out historically in this country and in Valdosta. The ignorance and maliciousness starts when children are very young. Ms. Santas stated that she has tried to educate her child to learn how to stand up in a loving and respectful way and to not ostracize others based on race or religion. Ms. Santas asked Council’s consideration in using the Barber Park situation as an educational tool.
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Any relationship?
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Mark Barber, Finance Director, informed Council that the City of Valdosta in conjunction with Lowndes County sponsors a 4th of July fireworks display for all of the residents of Valdosta, Lowndes County, and surrounding areas.
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