Sunday, November 05, 2006

Valdosta City Council Minutes Sept, Oct 5th 2006 (excerpts)

5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2006


Phil Youngblood, 65 Loganberry Circle, stated that he is the Commander of American Legion Post 13 in Valdosta. Roland Ray Wallis, 2316 North Forrest Street, stated that he is the Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1777. Quincey Roberts, 1211 Melissa Drive, stated that he is the Commander of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Chapter 14. Mr. Youngblood informed Council that they are a collective group representing the largest number of Veterans who have joined organizations within the City of Valdosta and Lowndes County. Mr. Youngblood stated that the leadership of American Legion Post 13 issued the following proclamation to the Valdosta City Council: “Let it be known that on this date, September 25, 2006, the Leadership of American Legion Post 13, represented by their signatures below do not support the efforts of the Valdosta City Council to rename Barber Park, Veterans Memorial Park. Barber Park does not meet the special needs of the Veterans of Valdosta and Lowndes County. In order to utilize a park for Veterans activities, there should be ample parking space for visitors to attend Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and room for other services or special Veterans activities. Barber Park cannot meet the requirements for these activities. Should the Valdosta City Council wish to properly recognize this deserving group of Valdosta Veterans, these heroes who have given so much for our great nation’s freedom, we urge and recommend renaming Freedom Park, Veterans Memorial Park. There is adequate space for Veterans activities and ample parking. Signed by Phil Youngblood, Post Commander, Whit Chappell, Senior Vice Commander, Jimmy Land, Junior Vice Commander, Walter Wacter, Judge Advocate, Ernie Florig, Adjutant, Ed Willis, Finance Officer, Charles Pollard, Historian, Howard Hansford, Chaplain, Jimmy Traynor, Sergeant at Arms, Ed Kent, Jr., Service Officer, Dan McSwords, Appointed Member, and Robert Lefever, Appointed Member.” Mr. Youngblood stated that they collectively wanted to recognize the efforts and hard work of the Barber Park Committee. Mr. Youngblood stated that he was advised by the City Manager tonight that there will be a meeting of the Veterans organizations on Wednesday, October 11, 2006.

Roland Ray Wallis, Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1777, stated that he also had a proclamation from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1777 which read as follows: “We, the undersigned, as the elected leadership of Post 1777, Department of Georgia, The Veterans of Foreign Wars, do not support your efforts to rename Barber Park the Veterans Memorial Park. This park can in no way fulfill the requirements of a solemn and somber atmosphere that is so honoring to our Nation’s, State, County, and City’s Veterans. It is also very limited in parking space for any of our activities we hold in honoring and memorializing our fellow comrades. We certainly thank you for considering the renaming of a park to honor our Veterans; however, we feel that in order to do so, the more appropriate location would be Freedom Park. This facility has very adequate parking available and is in closer proximity to Moody Air Force Base which would certainly make it easier for our active duty service members to attend. For the reasons above, we feel Freedom Park is our choice. Signed by Roland Wallis, Commander and Richard Rigby, Quartermaster.”

Quincey L. Roberts, Commander of the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 14, stated that he had a proclamation from the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 14 which read as follows: “After a careful review of the ongoing situation concerning the renaming of Barber Park, the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 14, submits the following information to the Valdosta City Council – we do not support renaming Barber Park, Veterans Memorial Park. While we greatly appreciate the Council’s consideration for our Veterans, please note that Barber Park does not meet the minimum needs for a Veterans Park. Barber Park is too small to conduct a productive Veterans Day Program and will not provide proper parking and seating. We do, however, strongly support other Valdosta Veterans organizations in requesting designation of Freedom Park on behalf of our Veterans. There have been documents provided to the Council requesting this action. Signed by Quincey L. Roberts, Commander, Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 14.”

Councilman Yost inquired as to how many Posts or Veterans organizations there are in Valdosta. Mr. Youngblood stated that there are constitutional Veterans organizations and Veterans organizations. The constitutional Veterans organizations by the U. S. Constitution are the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Veterans, and AMVETS. The organizations not included in the constitutional organizations are TREA (The Retired Enlistment Association) and possibly a Retired Officers Association. Councilman Yost inquired as to how many members were in the American Legion Post 13. Mr. Youngblood stated that there were 799 members. Mr. Wallis stated that there were 142 members in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1777, and Mr. Roberts stated that there were 340 members in the Disabled American Veterans. Mr. Youngblood stated that there could possibly be crossing of some members. Councilman Yost stated that this was the main reason at the last Council meeting that he voted to find out what the members had to say and if they would support the renaming. Councilman Yost inquired as to whether other Veterans organizations will join them in the quest to rename Freedom Park to Veterans Memorial Park. Mr. Youngblood stated that at the meeting next week there will be a united front. Larry Hanson, City Manager, stated that at the last Council meeting he was instructed to set up a meeting with the Veterans groups to get feedback from them and the meeting has been scheduled for October 11, 2006. Mr. Youngblood stated that he felt the Veterans would present a united front at that meeting.

5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2006


Phil Youngblood, 65 Loganberry Circle, stated that he was a Veteran and was not representing anyone other than himself. He submitted an application to the City stating that if Barber Park needed to be renamed then it should be named Veterans Memorial Park. Mr. Youngblood stated that veterans of all races and gender have supported this great nation and this is something that should be done to support the community. There is also a rumor that there is a movement from another Veterans organization to rename Freedom Park to Veterans Park. Mr. Youngblood stated that Veterans represent a large portion of the community and serve in every capacity and asked Council’s consideration in renaming Barber Park to Veterans Memorial Park.

George Boston Rhynes, 5004 Oak Drive, stated that he was an African-American Veteran whose ancestors fought in every war of this great nation. Mr. Rhynes stated that he wanted to pay some respect to the African-American race because they have been mistreated. Almost every patriotic American loves the Veterans and that is why he fights for the rights of the Veterans who cannot get medical insurance. Mr. Rhynes stated that he should also be able to fight for Black people who make up 95% of the people at Barber Park. On the select Barber Park Committee, there were no original people who partitioned the City to renovate the park. There was no one on the Committee who did their homework and paid to go to the Archives and gather the history of Barber Park under the Freedom of Information Act and the Open Records Act. The retired Educators who stood before Council were not on the Committee. There were no professors from Valdosta State University or other universities around the nation who stood up to name the park on the Committee. No one from the 15 people who were arrested, went to jail, and then went before a State Judge and the Supreme Court Judge, who ruled in their favor that their constitutional rights had been violated, were on the Committee. Mr. Rhynes stated that out of nine City schools in Valdosta, only one is named after an African-American. They cannot even get a park named after Ossie Davis, a man from Valdosta which he has proven time and time again. There was no one from The People’s Tribunal, Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition, or the NAACP on the Committee. Mr. Rhynes stated that he was retired military and put 22 years of service in the military. Mr. Rhynes stated that he was a peaceful man, but there is a racial problem in Valdosta. We can sit back and ignore it but they are no longer going to sit back and let White America take money from the City, the State and Federal governments, and take all the good jobs.

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